Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Okay, time for me to be honest....when I read Ron Olson's blogs, I am often repulsed, annoyed or bothered by what is at times questionable content.

However in one instance, I found it was just the opposite......
he was talking about a sandwich.................
a sandwich so good he had to blog about it....
a sandwich so good he put a picture of it on his blog.

I am so hungry and the sandwich looks so delicious, I too have decided to blog about it and "borrow" his picture so we can all drool over it together.

He loves this sandwich so much......maybe he should just marry it! :) Now all I want is an avocado BLT, actually now I want an avocado anything.

Finally, Ron is right about something....sure it's only a sandwich, but that's a start.