Thursday, October 23, 2008

Karen Perrin From FM 100 to Classic Hits 94.1

By now, many of you know that I have made the move down the dial to Classic Hits 94.1 KQK. (If not, read post below that explains it all!!)

I hope you have listened and like what you hear!!

A new blog address will come soon, so I'll update you here.

If you'd like to reach me by email, I'm at

Have a great day,


PS...don't forget, Ron is a liar!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A new radio adventure for Karen!!!!!

It was in May of 1994 that I joined the FM 100 Morning show, then it was with Ron and Steve. Today, almost 14 1/2 later, it is the Ron and Karen show and today is my last day at FM 100.

This is a day that is filled with many emotions. The company we work for, Entercom, owns many radio stations in the Memphis area. They decided one of those stations (94.1) needed some changing and they starting making plans. Those plans included me. The more we talked, the more I realized it was quite an opportunity to consider. Of course, after 14 1/2 years with Ron, I hoped he would be in that plan, but they said (and we all know!) Ron needs to stay at FM 100. However, at the same time, the company also knows of my loyalty to this station. Corporate knew certain things would need to be in place for me to even contemplate leaving the FM 100 home I have known for so long. One way for me to consider it, put Steve Conley in the mix. Yes, the Steve who two years ago left the morning show.

So, after careful consideration and many, many phone calls.......the plan in place is to let Ron hold down the fort here at FM 100, and I will join with Steve Conley once again, but this time, we will head left of the dial, to 94.1. While it will be different stations you hear us on, we are still one big radio family behind the scenes.

I look forward to the challenge and the excitement of a new radio station, at the same time, I leave FM 100 with some of the best memories of my life. I will always cherish my time here....even when Ron was busy making up lies about me when I was on vacation or when the last thing I wanted to do was to get up at 3:45!! I enjoyed everyday (okay, with the exception of one or two) at FM 100. At first I was worried Ron would be lonely. We are the best of friends and I am the one of many of his in-air partners who managed to stick around the longest. But Ron will have you and Brett and Marla to keep him company. While I hope you continue your allegiance to FM 100, I certainly invite you to give the new 94.1 a try....Steve and I will be there ready to welcome you to our new radio home.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Things on my mind....

I am enjoying the new Fall TV schedule....but I may run out of space on my DVR since I can't get caught up on all I am recording.

I wish I was going somewhere on Fall break. No travel plans.

If I could choose to have a personal chef or chauffeur, I would select personal chef!

The election is almost here.....who to vote for?....still time to decide, but just make sure you vote.

My kids vote to go to Zoo Boo at the Memphis Zoo every starts the weekend of October's fun for the whole family.

Why can't people take those few extra steps and put their shopping carts in the basket return.....instead they lazily push them to the side where they block parking spaces or worse, roll into cars.

A big fat, tall cup of some really good coffee would be great right now.

I am glad I don't have bronchitis like Brett.

I need to put some new songs on my ipod.

Ron doesn't know what an ipod is.

Ron can't drive a 5 speed car.

Are you playing Pick Your Purse?? You should be!!!

I just got a tall cup of coffee! Linda, a longtime listener, just brought it by for Ron, Brett and me. THANK YOU!!!!!

It smells like Fall...where are the orange and yellow leaves? Everything is still green......

Kermit the Frog once said, it's not easy being green.

Don't forget to recycle.

Have a great day,