Monday, November 26, 2007

Back to it.........

Here we are....back from the Thanksgiving weekend...lots of food, lots of football, but not enough rest....go figure. Everyone is back to work a few pounds heavier and a bit sluggish today. My time off was busy, ate an early dinner with family on Wednesday night, cooked on Thursday and then ate with more family on Friday. Saw the Memphis tigers play on was cold, we took the kids so we did not make it through the whole game, not sure many did with so many overtimes. The good news, Memphis won and now have a bowl game secured.

Also this weekend, we had a sitter and decided to see a movie. I was not up for Beowulf or American Gangster and the others that were of some interest were ones we would take the kids to... so we passed on those as well. In the end, we picked Dan in Real Life. Sure, I know it's been out a while, but I already like Steve Carrell as The Office is one of my FAVORITE shows, so we thought why not. I liked was will make you laugh, it will make you cry. I enjoyed it.

Now just trying to get back in work mode....often hard after a 4 day weekend. It's cyber Monday.....good luck on finding those deals.