Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Blog

You know it’s been a long time since you blogged when you get an email that says “Hey love your radio show, but how about an updated blog!?” Yeah, I am sorry for the delay. Why the huge chasm in blog time?

First, I finally joined Facebook which has taken me to a new level of "use of computer time" in my life. I am now somewhat addicted to it, thus, my hesitation to ever “get on” Facebook in the first place. But now that I am on, I will henceforth refer to Facebook as fb. :) Second, my computer at home crashed, down with a sickness. I usually do all my blogging in the afternoon at home. I no longer have that luxury (for now anyway) as I am blogging today at work.

So, what to blog about?

Steve (Conley my morning show co-host) is sitting across from me right now. He is friending even more on Facebook …..oh yeah….fb. :) Last week he hit 2000 friends, now he already has 2130 (give or take) he is just so popular. After being on one month now, I have just over 600. I find the whole concept a bit fascinating. It is fun to catch up with people, but at the same time, do I really care that “Zena” just had a great sandwich? I’ll fb later.

I could blog about the fact that the musical MEMPHIS won the Tony Award for best musical this week. And how much Green Day rocked the award show. And how I saw the Orpheum’s Pat Halloran there on national TV sitting in like the third row!

Or I could blog about the Memphis heat.

Or I could blog about how I enjoy watching Friday Night Lights on NBC or how I like watching reruns of Gilmore Girls. (Gilmore Girls I have just discovered and I really like it so far! Sure, I am a few years behind on this one, but the shows are all new to me. : )

I could blog about my boys….they are growing up so fast…..they are 7 and 10 years old. WOW. Where did the time go and why does my 10 year old act like he’s a teenager.

Or instead of blogging (or Facebooking) I could just do laundry, clean out a closet or actually attempt to purge some kid items out of my house that we haven’t used in years. Ugh! I guess I have inadvertently just typed what I need to go do.

Have a happy day online. I am off to do laundry. Then I’ll come back and blog about how much I detest folding clothes. :)