Live at the Garden 2009 is in full swing. Last night (6/5) I headed over to the Memphis Botanic Garden to see Train and opening act Sister Hazel.
The night was fantastic. The temperature was perfect. The grounds at the gardens were ripe and ready for the festive atmosphere of the evening. While I must admit I was there to see Train, Sister Hazel certainly did not disappoint. The band, who has done their share of shows here Memphis, still seems to genuinely love this town. They are fun to watch, fine musicians and entertained in between songs as well. As they wrapped up their set, the audience waited for Train. Then, it seemed suddenly without introduction (but I might simply have not been paying attention!) the melodic tones of Pat Monahan echoed through the park. What a fine stage show we were about to see….among the hits, Meet Virginia, Calling All Angels and When I Look to the Sky. We enjoyed a rockin’ cover of Led Zeppelin’s Ramble On……Pat was very Robert Plant-esque. It was a really good concert. Even those fringe Train fans I think left with a new appreciation of the band. Drops of Jupiter came near the end of the show. I wish they had played Cab…I like that song. And while I do know it was a band outing of Train, I would have loved to have heard Her Eyes which was one of the songs Pat did on his solo venture. My favorite song of the night was the second one…Get to You. What a song! Listen to the hook on Itunes and you may find you like it too.
So to sum up….Train was great! Live at the Garden is a social outing in Memphis not to be missed. Shows still to come as I write this as we embark on the summer of 2009…the Doobie Brothers, Joe Cocker, Heart and the Moody Blues. With a line up like this, you’ve got a good reason to get out of the house this summer and have some fun. : )