For those of you who live here in the Memphis area, you are all too aware of the storm system that moved through Friday night. Pretty scary deal as it was so unusually dark at 5:00ish and way windy. So, like about 130,000 of my closest friends, I was without power for part of the weekend. My thoughts?
Luckily it was not too hot.
I appreciate a cold drink, especially when I can't open my refrigerator to get one.
It is hard for me to sit and home and NOT do laundry. (I was going crazy!)
I am on the computer much more than I realized. I was having email withdrawal.
My kids can survive without TV....However, bless my neighbor who had a generator to power his TV so we could watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup!! Yeah Pittsburgh!!
How can I check the MLGW website for outage updates when I have no power?
Then, if used all my cell battery to check online from my phone, how would I recharge the phone?
It's good to still have a land line with a CORDED phone. (I could not get cell service immediately after the storm. Could you?)
It's good to have flashlights, lanterns, batteries and candles actually know where to find them. :)
I am one of the lucky ones. My power came back on Saturday afternoon. Sure, we lost some frozen/refrigerated fact we have been grilling out all weekend to cook up the thawing meat. :)
So, I continue to check the MLGW website for my family members who still do not have power, but want to stick it out at their own homes. (I offered!) That MLGW outage map can take a while to pull up, but eventually you can see that they are making progress. They are even twittering for those of you so inclined to play along.
And my final thought on the power outage is just this.....why, when you know that there is no power, no electricity at all and you even have a flashlight in your hand.....why do you still flip on that light switch when you walk into another room? :)