Go Tigers go!!
As you may know, I was in Point Clear, Alabama over the weekend for a college roommate's wedding. Ford had a lovely outdoor wedding and it only started raining 3 minutes into the ceremony!! I know, what are the odds, but I hear that rain on your wedding day is good luck. She is honeymooning now. I hope to soon have some pictures from the wedding from one of my other Bama roommates Katherine (hi if you are reading this!) She is quite the photographer. I didn't remember she always had a camera in college until she brought quite a few photos to the wedding and said she had tons more at home. I hope to share some of those wedding photos soon.
Speaking of weddings and the tigers together, many will have an interesting dilemma this Saturday 4/5, months ago wedding dates were set and now ceremony time happens to be the same time as the tip off!! The solution seems to be, big flat screen TVs at the reception. In fact, I once went to a wedding in Alabama on a big football game day, and the entire group attending the reception was in front of the TV! Inconvenient on the time or not, we all know the wedding and the game must go on. Hopefully this Saturday, marriages for many will begin with a huge Tiger win!!!!
Have a great day,