Win Ron's Money is a game we play on FM 100...Ron gave clues today about one of the 3 questions he plans to ask on Tuesday (4/29) if you know "What is Jimmy Buffet nibbling at the beginning of Margaritaville?" be the 10th caller and you could be one step closer to winning the big prize.

The New York Post has a list of the top 35 TV case you missed the discussion this morning on FM 100, I'll tell you the #1 show.....they named The Sopranos! You can Google and get the whole list, not too sure I agree with all the top 10, some shows I think should have been higher. I think I may be the only person in America who has not seen The Sopranos! I just got HBO, so I guess I'll finally get caught up...yeah, I know, I am a few years behind. :)