Monday, February 4, 2008

Weekend Highlights

Well, the Super Bowl is now a memory, one we will talk about for some time. The hype, the commercials, and the Giants. What a defense! I enjoyed watching Peyton Manning in some skybox cheering his brother on at the game. Above, you'll see a photo from Giant superfan Ed Bartusiak's house.....needless to say this is a great week for him!!!!

It was Groundhog's Day Saturday.....did the groundhog see his shadow? Was this the best kept secret all weekend or what? Yes, he saw it...that means 6 more weeks of winter.

The University of Memphis Tigers beat UTEP on Saturday and the Grizz played at home too.....of course without now LA Laker Pau Gasol. And with so many fans driving too and from the FedEx Forum and the Superbowl yesterday, someone I guess at TDOT decided there needed to be a sign on
I-240 reminding folks to be safe. So in the spirit of sports, I saw this big orange flashing sign on the side of the expressway......

the first part read "FANS DON'T LET FANS..........."

but the second said only this "DRIVE DRUNK"

Hopefully most people saw BOTH parts of the message!! :)