Friday Night Lights............
So while talk of the writers strike in Hollywood indicates there could soon be a resolution, one must remember we could still be waiting months for many of our favorite TV shows to return. That is why I want to remind you about one of THE BEST SHOWS ON TV....still featuring all new shows. That show is the critically acclaimed, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. It can be sad, funny controversial, familiar, touching, surprising and so many other descriptive words! It is one of the most well written shows on TV today. Right now, many of you are thinking, well I don't like football.....you don't have to. It's a great show that could revolve around most anything! Kyle Chandler (as seen in this "oh so hot" photo!) is fabulous as are all the actors in this show! Give it a chance so those of us that already watch can get a few more seasons out of this show.