Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
today's celebrity photo!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Karen chooses Batman over Ron!!!
Here is a photo from our Make A Wish Stories of Light....on the surface it looks to be a simple picture of me and the Caped Crusader....but take a closer look.......there in the back, to the'll see an angry Ron Olson! The look on his face implies so much......perhaps he is pondering....
Why I am not in that picture, I look more like Robin than Karen?!
Karen looks great, I wish I looked that good!
Why don't I have a cape?
Why has Karen chosen Batman over me?
Why did I just hear a "Karen and Batman in the Morning" jingle???
Monday, December 17, 2007
Thanks Mid-South!!
The 16th annual Make A Wish
Thanks to your generosity,
Make A Wish will be able to

(here we are hard at work!)
Thanks again, from all of us at FM 100!!!!
(more pictures coming soon!!!)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007
Favorite Christmas Movies
In at number 1, Christmas Vacation, in at a close second A Christmas Story, followed by It's a Wonderful Life, Holiday Inn, Elf and Home Alone. Other movies that were mentioned, Earnest Saves Christmas (!), Scrooged, A Christmas Carol, The Grinch, Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas, Bad Santa, Polar Express, Deck the Halls and Die Hard!!!
There really is something for everyone!!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Does Ron own a brush?

However, this photo came from Gary's daughter's wedding (note the tie)....the question most asked of Ron this night was "What's the deal with the hair?!?!?!?!"
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Secret Santa Ideas tickets, anything from Tuesday Morning, stemless wine glasses, cool candles from the St Jude gift shop, lottery tickets, White House Christmas ornaments, create a pamper basket, something from Kirkland's, manicure, a gift from Sephora, a Chic-Fil-A calendar, throw blanket, pamper stuff, homemade cheesecake, day spa mini massage, reed diffusers, digital key chain, cookbooks, belly dancing lessons, something from World Market, local event tickets, Christmas ornament, and finally Ron suggested airplane size bottles of bourbon. Go figure!!
Happy shopping!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
shopping panic!
Usually at this time of year I am way ahead of the game, but for some reason this year I waited to even make my list until this weekend. What was I thinking, if there is no list, there must be no presents to buy? Right!!!! So the quest is on and even with a list, I inevitably always have one gift I forget I need until the last minute.
Secret Santa gifts can sometimes be hard if you draw someone you don't really know. Co-workers gifts are often difficult to come up with, that is depending on who work with. Ron, for example, is often challenging to shop for. He needs nothing, yet he has asked for a kayak. Yes, I said KAYAK. Yeah, let me run right out and get that! I don't even spend that much on my husband! So, I'll have to come up with something else that is semi-cool and that he might need....if you have any suggestions let me know. Lucky for me that his wife owns a cool store and she picks out my gift from him. There has to be some perk for all that I put up with from him on a daily basis. :)
Happy shopping,
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
that's what Christmas is all about....
In fact, why not gather the children around the computer and let me tell them a little story.....
Once upon a time kids, there was no VCR, no DVD, no TIVO, no DVR.......that meant we only had one chance to see a show on television. Shocking I know, but shows like this and many other holiday favorites were seen....only once a year! You would watch the paper or check the TV Guide so you would not miss it. So, kids tonight is the night. Give Peanuts a chance...unlike Ron who refuses to even attempt to watch the likes of Chuck, Linus and Lucy.
A Charlie Brown Christmas......that's what Christmas is all about!
And don't forget, even if you have it on DVD, a show or movie (for some strange reason) is always more fun and exciting to watch on TV!:)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Back to it.........
Also this weekend, we had a sitter and decided to see a movie. I was not up for Beowulf or American Gangster and the others that were of some interest were ones we would take the kids to... so we passed on those as well. In the end, we picked Dan in Real Life. Sure, I know it's been out a while, but I already like Steve Carrell as The Office is one of my FAVORITE shows, so we thought why not. I liked was will make you laugh, it will make you cry. I enjoyed it.
Now just trying to get back in work mode....often hard after a 4 day weekend. It's cyber Monday.....good luck on finding those deals.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
time for turkey

Yes, kids, it's that time of the year for the Memphis tradition the Enchanted is open now at the Pink Palace Museum through New Years Eve. Perfect if you have company in town this week. More info at
What else this week.....lots of turkey of course, dressing is my favorite, then you must have sweet potato something, maybe some green bean casserole and if you are lucky, in my family, you get coconut cake. I still have some shopping to do. No matter how hard I try to get the perfect list made, I ALWAYS FORGET SOMETHING! Trip number two to Kroger set for later today!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
the cologne ranger rides again

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
about that colon...and cologne
Here is a picture of him from yesterday having Ginger Ale, since he could eat nothing! What a drag. Yes, I know the photo is blurry, probably just like Ron's vision is right about now as his sedative is wearing off. All the details on the procedure to come tomorrow....I can't wait I don't know about you! :)
PS....I've known Ron over 15 years now and worked on the morning show with him for 13 1/2 years, and today for the first time ever.....he wore cologne to work. Funny, Ron is quick to judge others for wearing too much fragrance, but let me tell you he is a major offender! I could barely breathe today!
Ron is definitely a Cologne Ranger!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
spongebob on the brain

Thursday, November 8, 2007
what it feels like to win!!

and here I am with my new friend, the Chic Fil A cow!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
censored no more!!

Monday, November 5, 2007
tonight's dark drive home
Friday, November 2, 2007
Pick A Purse!!!!!

Tomorrow is the day....this is it....your last chance to get in the Pick a Purse contest in hopes of winning a Ford Fusion, F-150 or Mustang from Landers Ford!!
Here are some photos from our last drawing at the Shops of Saddlecreek, and that is where you should be
Saturday, 11/3 at 9:00am to sign up to be one of the 10 last chance qualifiers!!
(more details on our website and on FM 100!)
Maybe tomorrow will be your lucky day!!
You'll never know if you don't try!
(Purses seen above are Beijo Bags, one of the purses picked in the contest!)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
halloween candy hangover

Wow!!! What a fun trick or treating night for the kids...our yard decorations were up and the kids were out getting LOTS of candy! Then we capped off the night with a party at our neighbors house. I have a junk food hangover...too much candy, rice krispie treats, rotel dip (YUM!), pizza, real cola and brownies!! It was a holiday for goodness sake, but feeling a bit like I over did it.....back to water and salad today! :)
I hope you all had a great Halloween too, now comes the battle with the kids as we attempt to ration the candy so the kids aren't bouncing off the walls for the rest of the week.
Good luck if you are trying to stay away from the candy bowl at work...more than one person is sure to have plenty on their desks today. Oh, the diet temptation this time of year.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
a break from the blog wars

First, Paul Walker...everytime I turn around the movie Eight Below is on TV, good movie...and I'm not even a dog person...perhaps it is because Paul is so nice to look at!

Monday, October 29, 2007
mark your calendars!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The countdown to RFTC!
The RFTC Store is at the Carrefour Mall, 6645 Poplar in Germantown.

Friday, 10/26, while Ron and Karen broadcast live from 6:00am-1o:00am at the race store, you can sign up. The race store will be open again from 4pm-9pm.
For even more info, go to
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
collierville today from 4 to 6!

FM 100's
Pick Your Purse!
Get busy....still time to win with FM 100!! Listen weekday mornings at 7:10am, Ron and I will tell you what hours you could pick a purse each day. You could win the bag or whatever fabulous prize is inside! Plus you will get a key that could start a Lander's Ford, but you gotta play if you want to win.
In fact, today (10/24) I will be at Lander's Ford in Collierville, Poplar and Houston Levee, from 4 to 6pm. You can sign up to win a purse and also we will be getting ready to paint the town pink......we will be registering folks for Race for the Cure and having a big party too!! Fun, prizes, food from Whole Hog Cafe and all things pink. Hope to see you there!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I still love Puddle of Mudd

Monday, October 22, 2007
Race for the Cure

Time to sign up for the Memphis area Race for the Cure.....Ron and I are once again delighted to be involved! Please join us and get signed up today at
The RFTC is this Saturday!! We hope to see you there!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Zoo Boo and more

Thursday, October 18, 2007
what people are talking about
...the Memphis Mayor and his $11,000 pay raise...
...Ellen's "dog-gate" situation.......
...Ron's blog....... agonizing over what to be for Halloween...
...this crazy weather.......
...Dancing with the Stars.....
...good customer service.....when you get it....... football......
...Memphis Tiger Basketball.....
...only one more day until the weekend!!!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
what a wednesday
So, I'll simply leave you with this joke my son told this morning on Worst Joke Wednesday....
What did one hurricane say to the other hurricane....
(scroll down for answer)
.......I've got my eye on you! ;)
have a great day,
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
What do do this week in Memphis, the Pissarro exhibition is now open at the Brooks Museum. If you have kids you may want to go ahead and get your tickets for Zoo Boo at the Memphis Zoo, it's this Friday and Saturday Night as well as next weekend too. Click on the zoo link back on our home page for more details!
Karen's Deep Thought for the don't ever believe people when they say kids grow up so fast....
that is until one day you turn around and yours are in elementary school and you feel like they were born just yesterday!!
Karen's Advice for the New Parent or Parent-To-Be.....
Steve would tell me that all the time. He was right. All the cute, sassy, silly memorable things that your kids do and say while they are young that you THINK you will remember won't unless you WRITE IT DOWN!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
what was and what shall be
My weekend was full of soccer, how about yours? If you have kids too, the answer is probably or gymnastics or the activity du jour.
Tomorrow, 10/16, Ron will be out at the all new Whole Hog Cafe on Germantown Parkway from 4 to 6pm....lots of gift certificates will be there to be won, why don't you get out there and see if you can be one of the lucky ones.
Special guest Tuesday on the Karen and Ron show :) Dave Berry!
Friday, October 12, 2007
fall is here
Wake up and listen to Ron and Karen's Saturday show
Join me at the First Tennessee Bank in Collierville from 11:00 to 1:00
Tiger Tailgate party at 5 at Hollywood and Central before the MTSU game
Whatever you choose do, have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
See Ron's Blog
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Wednesday Thoughts
Still thinking of how good Puddle of Mudd was this weekend. Love them!
Have a great Wednesday,
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Cat Fight!
Ron vs Bret......two dj's.......two angry dj's........who will win?!?!?
Out on DVD today, Evan Almighty with one of my favorite actors Steve Carrell.
Pick Your Purse.....more winning Monday - Friday on FM 100.
Race for the Cure.....great time to get signed up....go back to our home page for the link.
Have a great day,
Monday, October 8, 2007
Just another manic Monday
Fm 100's Pick Your Purse is going strong....and no, you don't have to be a woman to play. You could win the purse or maybe what's inside, but you will get a key that could start a Landers Ford.
Enter our Snack Attack contest this could win a fabulous lunch from River Oaks on Poplar. Go back to our home page and look for the Snack Attack icon, click and enter.
Have a great week,
Friday, October 5, 2007
Fall Break
Ron has a big guy golf trip this weekend...I'm sure that he will have plenty of stories for us on Monday.
Plus Monday, I have a question about re it wrong for someone to blatantly re gift something right in front of your face??? We'll discuss, I wonder what Ron's thoughts are on this?
Have a great weekend,
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Rockin' Thursday
Snack Attack winners today.....the YMCA on Quince in East Memphis.
VOTE!!!! VOTE!!!! VOTE!!!! City of Memphis elections today, we'll have the results...if the race is not too close.....for you tomorrow.
The Office, Grey's Anatomy tonight on TV, plus Seinfeld is on 30 Rock!
Have a great day,
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Emerson Hart
Also tomorrow, the Today Show wedding couple Jessica and Cody as they prepare to marry on national TV Friday. And someone will have the chance to win Ron's money!!
Tomorrow is election day in the city of Memphis...don't forget to vote!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
October rolls on.....
Who is or women......while there were votes for both, it seems most think men are happier. Why? Life is easier for them, they are more relaxed, their attention spans are so short.....just a few of the theories. Ron is happiest when he is playing golf.
Tomorrow night, fun party in midtown at the Brooks Museum First Wednesday Party.....this month we celebrate Scotland!
PS...I DVR'd Heroes last night and it cut off before the show was over!!!! How can this makes me CRAZY!!! Do they think I have so much recording space that I can always record the show after????? NO is the answer. Luckily my brother watches the show too and I was able to call him late last night and find out what I missed.
Thanks for letting me vent.....I feel better now!!
Have a great day,
Monday, October 1, 2007
Hope Brady Memphis bound!
I can't wait to get busy and get can hear Kristin on our morning show tomorrow....did you know she is the mother of 3 boys, 17, 14 and 5 years old!! WOW! Does she even age? It doesn't look like it on the show that's for sure.
I think Ron loves her so much he'd like to marry her!
Have a great day,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Must see TV and must listen radio!
What else is going on........
Pick Your Purse is on the radio...Darlene N. was today's first person to get in the grand prize drawing from Lander's Ford and FM 100.
This weeks winner of the FM 100 Snack Attack is Cecil Smith and Associates.....congrats they get the free lunch from Bogey's!
And if you are a parent, there even more toy recalls today, you may want to go to the Consumer Product Safety Commission website to see if you have toys that are affected,
Have a great day,
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fall TV Preview Week continues....
Pick Your Purse begins Thursday 9/27!! Listen at 7:10am for the hours each day when you just might get to pick that purse and win fabulous prizes!!
Best of luck...someone will win...why not you!?!?!?!?
Have a great day,
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Movie Talk
Nobody won Ron's money on the air today, so we will try again on Thursday.
Have a great day, I read somewhere that Tuesday is the most productive day of the go get some work done! :) the time of my blog, I can say I am a tropical storm.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Where did the weekend go?
Did you hear the big announcement.....Pick Your Purse is coming back to FM starts Thursday!! Keep it hear for more details!!
Have a great day,
Friday, September 21, 2007
it's the weekend!
Have a good one. No time for rest until Monday!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
one day closer to the weekend!
Funny week of shows.....not's been thanks to our special guest we featured Brian Reagan, tomorrow we shine the spotlight on the winner of Last Comic Standing, John Reep. Also tomorrow, a fantastic interview and performance are on tap with Pat Monahan, solo now, but of Train fame. He is sure to be fabulous!
Have a great day,
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Parenting Info
Parenting expert John Rosemond is speaking at Lindenwood Christian Church this Saturday.He has a Thursday column in the Commercial Appeal. I saw him two years ago when he came. He has great insight. I'd be there again front and center if both of my kids did not have soccer games that morning! Buy tickets and get info at
Kids art contest......FM 100 and Kroger Kids for the Cure T-Shirt Art Contest, one lucky artist 12 and under will have their artwork on the front of the kids Race for the Cure T-Shirt. RFTC raises money for the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation. Go back to our homepage (it's the rotating square of info on the top left of the page) and get more info....hurry deadline to enter is Monday, 9/24!!!
Have a great day,
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
dirty laundry
Today is National Cheeseburger day, look at Ron's blog for a list of favorites from today's callers. My favorite is Huey's!
No one won Ron's money.....he had about $55 in his wallet today, he claims he'll save some of that maybe even add to it and we will play again later this week.......right.
Have a great day!
Monday, September 17, 2007
another work week begins
Tomorrow on the show, the new fun exciting game WIN RON'S MONEY and special guest from the original Dukes of Hazard, John Schneider....I think he was Bo but I could never get that straight when I was a kid.
Have a good one,
Friday, September 14, 2007
Good luck with all your kids team sports this weekend, may you make it to the right field, on time, then repeat with kid number #2...don't forget the snacks if it's your day!!
Have a good one,
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tomorrow's Show Hannah Montana tickets! Ron's Money!
........take advantage of FM 100 Dinning Deals with Luchessi's Pasta and Ravioli (see our home page for details)!
Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Serious about Cyrus!
Not into Disney shows, no problem we have a new game on the radio...Win Ron's has to be his money since he makes the biggest bucks out of all of us who still work here.
Today marks the 6th anniversary of the attacks 0n 9/11. Can you believe it has already been 6 years? While we remember here in the mid south, thousands of New Yorkers gathered at Ground Zero to recite the names of the victims.
And finally, thanks again to all who made a donation during our LeBonheur Children's Medical Center Radiothon. $95,ooo was raised and in today's Commercial Appeal there is a picture of us holding the big check for the kids!
Have a great day,
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm Back!
Soccer is back in full swing in Collierville and probably wherever you are if you have kids who play. Both of my sons play this year, but it's Walker's first time to play. He just turned 5! WOW! My baby is already 5...people say, they grow up so fast.....well, you only believe it when you turn around and your kids are already 5 and 7 years old. It seems like yesterday they were just little babies! Here's where seasoned parents remind to enjoy every minute....I guess they are right!
Have a great Monday if you can,
PS....I did NOT say Ms. Spears was "back" as Ron says on his blog...I'm back and he is STILL lying!!! Oh well, maybe I just should have taken a few more days off.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I am on vacation this blogging!
I will be back on the radio Monday.
Have a great week!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thinking Thursday
Today, we talked about men, women and relationships. What do you do to keep your significant other happy? Spicing things up, unexpected surprises and simply asking how their day went were some of the suggestions. One woman said she made her husband happy by letting him move out!! Every couple is unique!
Another movie is set to film in will star Matt Dillon and Kate Beckinsale along with David Schwimmer and Alan Alda. I read it is a political thriller and unlike many movie filmed here, it has nothing to do with the mid south. I like Matt Dillon ALOT! I would love to catch a glimpse of him, or even "Ross" would be fun to see. Filming is set to begin in October.
Ron bought breakfast this morning...sometimes it's actually nice to have him around.;)
That's all for me!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wild Wednesday
Another Wednesday, another sweet victory for the women on Battle of the Sexes....the world's oldest, yet still most popular radio game!.
Forecast says here in Memphis we might get some rain today, that's pretty much headline news! We could sure use the rain around here for sure!
Things to keep on your calendar.......
Thursday, 8/30 the last Peabody Rooftop party of the season with Dr. Zarr
Friday, 8/31 I'll be live at Bill Heard Chevrolet in Collierville, 4 - 6pm and the Delta Fair and Music Fest starts at the Agricenter.
Saturday, 9/1 Memphis vs Ole Miss!!! Tiger Tailgate Party at Toby Field before the are invited!! And for you non-football fans, I will be broadcasting live at Wolfchase Honda from 2 to 4, free food and prizes!
And that's just to kick off this Labor Day weekend!!! And since it's only Wednesday, you have plenty of time to plan!!
Have a great day,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Fat Tuesday
Also, if you want to see (and hear) something funny, go back to the Things You Missed category on our website and check out Miss Teen South Carolina from this weekend's pageant!! Boy, she can answer a question like no other!! I guess she was pretty nervous!
Reminder: You can see Ron and me almost every weekday morning on Action News 5 Today. We have a few minutes to drop in, have fun and sometimes we even give away prizes. Watch for us between 6:00 and 6:30am...I know many of you are up that early.
Songs I am enjoying on FM 10o....Rihanna's SHUT UP AND DRIVE, and the much more mellow Eliot Yamin and WAIT FOR YOU. bet, but both good. Also, we got a review from Jill Bucco yesterday about The Lion King, which is now at the Orpheum. SHE LOVED IT!!!In fact, she like it so much, she plans to go again! Get downtown and see it before it's too late!!
That's all for now.....have a great day!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday, Monday
Mom Moment: For those of you with kids, I know some flag football teams have already started playing, but for the rest of us, Fall soccer and baseball is about to get underway. We get this final weekend of rest you might say before those recreational athletics get underway. I guess it's better to shuttle the kids around than to watch them veg out to cartoons or video games!
That's all for me today, I look forward to meeting the 50 Women Who Make a Difference as honored by Memphis Woman Magazine. I will be emceeing that dinner tonight for the 11th year. Congratulations to this years winners and all their friends who will be there to support them.
Have a great Monday! Hope you have a 5 star day, no matter what your horoscope says!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Hello Weekend!
A busy weekend is on tap as we inch closer to that 3 day holiday weekend for labor day...we're about a week away. I'll be emceeing a Race for the Cure survivor luncheon this weekend. The actual Race for the Cure at the Shops of Saddlecreek is set for October 27th so mark your calendar'll be here before you know it! It benefits the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
I'll be blog free this weekend, I try to avoid my computer on the weekend unless I'm up for a quick game of Spider Solitaire.
Be sure to listen to the Ron and Karen Saturday Show...."a best of " show from this week. Then if you are up early on Sunday, catch my Weekend Magazine Program, this week a focus on the Mid South Chapter of the American Red Cross.
Have a great weekend...back here to blog on Monday!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Hello Thursday!
What is going on in our FM 100 world......Well, today on the show we learned that Brett (with no last name) had been arrested once. Ron and I were quite surprised. He tried to explain they were bogus charges, I guess we believe him! :)
Anyway, no one won the big Powerball jackpot last night...I tried! Oh well! Maybe Saturday will be someones lucky day...maybe yours or mine!
Careful in this heat......drink plenty of water....I know you've heard it all before. Like the Watson's girl once said, "it's going to be hot, you're going to need a pool!"
What's going on off the dishwasher has a massive leak, concerned about water damage under my cabinets..not sure how long it has been leaking until we saw water damage on the floor. Now, the evening fun at my house is washing dishes by hand. I feel like I am 12 years old again, back at my grandmothers house in midtown where she had no dishwasher, except for us grandkids!!! Needless to say, until I get my dishwasher fixed, we will be using a fair amount of paper plates at the ol' Perrin house.
Have a great day,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hello blogging!
Thanks for reading....back with you tomorrow!!