Wow!!! What a fun trick or treating night for the kids...our yard decorations were up and the kids were out getting LOTS of candy! Then we capped off the night with a party at our neighbors house. I have a junk food hangover...too much candy, rice krispie treats, rotel dip (YUM!), pizza, real cola and brownies!! It was a holiday for goodness sake, but feeling a bit like I over did it.....back to water and salad today! :)
I hope you all had a great Halloween too, now comes the battle with the kids as we attempt to ration the candy so the kids aren't bouncing off the walls for the rest of the week.
Good luck if you are trying to stay away from the candy bowl at work...more than one person is sure to have plenty on their desks today. Oh, the diet temptation this time of year.