Well, for me panic is officially setting in as it is December 3rd and I only have purchased 1 Christmas gift. one....uno....1....une......with about 29 more to go!!!
Usually at this time of year I am way ahead of the game, but for some reason this year I waited to even make my list until this weekend. What was I thinking, if there is no list, there must be no presents to buy? Right!!!! So the quest is on and even with a list, I inevitably always have one gift I forget I need until the last minute.
Secret Santa gifts can sometimes be hard if you draw someone you don't really know. Co-workers gifts are often difficult to come up with, that is depending on who work with. Ron, for example, is often challenging to shop for. He needs nothing, yet he has asked for a kayak. Yes, I said KAYAK. Yeah, let me run right out and get that! I don't even spend that much on my husband! So, I'll have to come up with something else that is semi-cool and that he might need....if you have any suggestions let me know. Lucky for me that his wife owns a cool store and she picks out my gift from him. There has to be some perk for all that I put up with from him on a daily basis. :)
Happy shopping,