Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Maybe it's time to blog again......

Today I stumbled upon my blog......the blog I stopped writing the day I was let go from my radio home of over 18 years. I know many of you follow me on Facebook (KarenPerrinMemphis) or on Twitter @KarenPerrin901, but blog readers may think I'd fallen off the face of the earth. In fact, I have not. :) I have continued all my work with non profits...emceeing events, judging contests and serving on committees and boards. I've been doing the mom things....shuttling my two boys to almost every sport practice and event possible. Sometimes I cook, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I clean my house, sometimes I don't. So that part of my life has been business as usual. ;) I'll try to jump back here and blog more often...but in the meantime, please follow me on FB and Twitter for sure. I'm there most everyday. :)

Have an amazing day!