Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Things I never thought I'd do........

1) I never thought I’d….enjoy gardening, but as of this month I have now successfully planted 10 shrubs. 3 are successfully flowering azaleas.

2) I never though I’d……let my boys play ice hockey...not because I am over protective, I just don't want the 45-minute drive to the ice rink. We are signing up my nine year old this week.

3) I never thought I’d ….care that my boys don't get straight A's. I want my boys to get all A's, nary a B. A mom can dream can’t she. :)

4) And finally, I never really thought of myself as competitive, however, in our KQK Challenge I tied the listener and Steve decided that meant tie goes to the listener. Cool, give him the prize, but I want a tie in my column, not a loss! :) Also, while I tell my kids it's not whether they win or lose it's how they play the game...I must admit I enjoy when our team wins. Just being honest! Have a great day.