Friday, January 23, 2009

I am back!

Here I am after a pretty long "non blog" writing much for that resolution to blog more! :)

As I write this it is a Friday and this is one of those Friday's that is very deserved. While you are online today, be sure to sign up for a spot at our Conley and Karen Chef's Table Class. If you got to my blog on our website, click on the contest bar that you can see. If not, go to and enter! You can also check out the music on this Class Reunion Weekend on our audio stream, check out Brad's tour of our upcoming new studio, and see footage from our free lunch day at Sole Restaurant downtown. (FYI...Sole is also our Discount Dining Deal partner and you can get a 1/2 price gift certificate to dine there.) Take advantage of all the cool things on our site.

So, I, like many of you, am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I'll spend some time with my kids, grocery shop (the pantry is near empty so it will be a full cart shopping trip) and maybe I'll even.....gulp......clean the house! UGH!!
Okay, maybe not. :)

Have a great day,
