Tuesday, November 27, 2007
that's what Christmas is all about....
In fact, why not gather the children around the computer and let me tell them a little story.....
Once upon a time kids, there was no VCR, no DVD, no TIVO, no DVR.......that meant we only had one chance to see a show on television. Shocking I know, but shows like this and many other holiday favorites were seen....only once a year! You would watch the paper or check the TV Guide so you would not miss it. So, kids tonight is the night. Give Peanuts a chance...unlike Ron who refuses to even attempt to watch the likes of Chuck, Linus and Lucy.
A Charlie Brown Christmas......that's what Christmas is all about!
And don't forget, even if you have it on DVD, a show or movie (for some strange reason) is always more fun and exciting to watch on TV!:)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Back to it.........
Also this weekend, we had a sitter and decided to see a movie. I was not up for Beowulf or American Gangster and the others that were of some interest were ones we would take the kids to... so we passed on those as well. In the end, we picked Dan in Real Life. Sure, I know it's been out a while, but I already like Steve Carrell as The Office is one of my FAVORITE shows, so we thought why not. I liked it....it was good....it will make you laugh, it will make you cry. I enjoyed it.
Now just trying to get back in work mode....often hard after a 4 day weekend. It's cyber Monday.....good luck on finding those deals.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
time for turkey

Yes, kids, it's that time of the year for the Memphis tradition the Enchanted Forest.....it is open now at the Pink Palace Museum through New Years Eve. Perfect if you have company in town this week. More info at http://www.theenchantedforest.org/.
What else this week.....lots of turkey of course, dressing is my favorite, then you must have sweet potato something, maybe some green bean casserole and if you are lucky, in my family, you get coconut cake. I still have some shopping to do. No matter how hard I try to get the perfect list made, I ALWAYS FORGET SOMETHING! Trip number two to Kroger set for later today!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
the cologne ranger rides again

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
about that colon...and cologne
Here is a picture of him from yesterday having Ginger Ale, since he could eat nothing! What a drag. Yes, I know the photo is blurry, probably just like Ron's vision is right about now as his sedative is wearing off. All the details on the procedure to come tomorrow....I can't wait I don't know about you! :)
PS....I've known Ron over 15 years now and worked on the morning show with him for 13 1/2 years, and today for the first time ever.....he wore cologne to work. Funny, Ron is quick to judge others for wearing too much fragrance, but let me tell you he is a major offender! I could barely breathe today!
Ron is definitely a Cologne Ranger!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
spongebob on the brain

Thursday, November 8, 2007
what it feels like to win!!

and here I am with my new friend, the Chic Fil A cow!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
censored no more!!

Monday, November 5, 2007
tonight's dark drive home
Friday, November 2, 2007
Pick A Purse!!!!!

Tomorrow is the day....this is it....your last chance to get in the Pick a Purse contest in hopes of winning a Ford Fusion, F-150 or Mustang from Landers Ford!!
Here are some photos from our last drawing at the Shops of Saddlecreek, and that is where you should be
Saturday, 11/3 at 9:00am to sign up to be one of the 10 last chance qualifiers!!
(more details on our website and on FM 100!)
Maybe tomorrow will be your lucky day!!
You'll never know if you don't try!
(Purses seen above are Beijo Bags, one of the purses picked in the contest!)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
halloween candy hangover

Wow!!! What a fun trick or treating night for the kids...our yard decorations were up and the kids were out getting LOTS of candy! Then we capped off the night with a party at our neighbors house. I have a junk food hangover...too much candy, rice krispie treats, rotel dip (YUM!), pizza, real cola and brownies!! It was a holiday for goodness sake, but feeling a bit like I over did it.....back to water and salad today! :)
I hope you all had a great Halloween too, now comes the battle with the kids as we attempt to ration the candy so the kids aren't bouncing off the walls for the rest of the week.
Good luck if you are trying to stay away from the candy bowl at work...more than one person is sure to have plenty on their desks today. Oh, the diet temptation this time of year.