I noticed someone today on Facebook commented that anyone who would wish you a “Happy Monday” is somehow demented and “off” as it is near impossible to have a happy Monday, Perhaps that FB friend of mine is onto something. Traditionally Mondays are not a favorite day of the week for anyone….unless it’s your birthday or you have a vacation day, right? So, I started thinking, what could make this a Happy Monday for me. I invite you to do the same. For me….I think the following good things from the weekend will help my Monday.
Alabama beat Arkansas (the hogs played great) but I graduated from Bama so they got my vote.
My boys like to (for entertainment purposes only) pick which teams will win or lose. This week my youngest Walker, picked UTEP, Bama and Tennessee to win….he got them all, went 3 for 3.
I met Will Coleman, Will Barton and Charles Carmouche from the University of Memphis Mens Basketball team….the bad news….my camera phone is broken. At least I know, right!
I watched two movies…Up in the Air and The Terminal…..as well as many DVR’d shows this weekend.
I got to judge Taste of the Town Sunday night the big Germantown Chamber of Commerce event that also helps Make A Wish. Very full from judging and glad to finally meet (in person) Jennifer Biggs from the Commercial Appeal. Also, it was sooooo nice to meet so many people who enjoy the radio station.
So what now to look forward to this week….Tuesday on Classic Hits 94.1 KQK…it’s Taste Test Tuesday…..looking ahead to Saturday it’s the Pink Tie Event t from 2-4 at the Avenue Carriage Crossing in Collierville. I am hosting the 3pm fashion show. Plus more great college football on tap and week two of the new Fall TV season.
It’s a Monday….happy or not…..try and have a great day.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lots To Do This Weekend :)

Meet Classic Hits 94.1 KQK guest/author/food stylist Jennifer Chandler. She will be at Babcock Gifts Saturday (9/25) from 1-3pm signing her latest book “Simply Suppers.” It’s a delightful cookbook full of great recipes and pictures too. More details on the book, Jennifer and her appearances at www.cookwithjennifer.com
Sunday night (9/26) it’s the Taste of the Town with the Germantown Chamber of Commerce with silent/live auction proceeds to benefit Make A Wish. It is a premier food, beverage & wine tasting featuring 40 outstanding restaurants, caterers and beverage distributors in the Mid- South. It is always a fun night, a culinary adventure they like to say :) a sampling of the finest food and beverage around. You can get tickets at the door, however I am thinking it may have sold out in years past . So for advance ticket info and prices, check out the Germantown Chamber link of www.germantownchamber.com
If you have kids who like to roller skate, they might like to play inline hockey!! Check out the Collierville Hockey In-Line League Learn to Play Clinic. It’s Sunday afternoon (9/26) from 4:30 to 6pm at Funquest Skate (on Hwy 72, off Poplar) It’s only $10 for the this session and there are more events planned for the Fall/Winter months…..details at www.eteamz.com/chill/ or you can follow them on Facebook. They are always looking to introduce new kids to the sport and unlike ice hockey in Memphis, you can play all year…even outside. :) My kids LOVE it. It’s fun and great exercise. Oh and for all you adults who might be interested, the CHILL adult inline league has really expanded this year in all skill levels.
Have a great weekend!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fall TV is here!!
Fall TV season…..it is here…..in full force this week!!! What to watch….what to watch?!?! Well, on Monday nights, NBC is back with one of my favorite shows “Chuck” I love that one, then we finally get to see the show they have been promoting like CRAZY….."The Event" and “Chase." Over on CBS, speaking of highly promoted, it’s the all new "Hawaii Five-O" and a show with Sookie from “Gilmore Girls” called "Mike & Molly." Fox has “House” and a new show called "Lone Star." And if watching celebs is more your thing, ABC has "Dancing With The Stars" (two hours of it!) then "Castle." I also like “90210” now on Monday.
Other shows this season I personally hope to catch are……that new FOX show with Will Arnett and Kerri Russell “Running Wilde" I think that is on Tuesday.
That new NBC show looks it has potential to me is "Undercovers" and I am already a "Modern Family" and “Cougartown” fan on my Wednesday nights.
Thursdays may bring some new options, but I am sticking with my favs……”The Office” and "Grey's Anatomy" and "Private Practice."
Tom Selleck has a new show I might watch…if I can find the time….and I love “Friday Night Lights” whenever that might return. But always with my luck I start watching a show, like it and it gets canned 3 or 4 episodes into the thing. grrrrrr. And I haven’t even mentioned daytime TV….I never watched “Gilmore Girls” when it was first on, but I found it in reruns and LOVE it!! I get my gross out fix when I happen to catch Dr. Oz. And don’t forget it’s Oprah’s last season, so watch her in this format while you can.
Hmmm…I swear I do more than watch TV, but after reading this blog, I wouldn’t believe me either!! lol
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Newest Things
If you haven’t heard yet, you can listen to Classic Hits 94.1 KQK on your iphone. How? Check out the details on our website www.941kqk.com or just go to the app store and type in our name. Voila…a new app for your phone!! Isn’t technology amazing??? Just think, it’s 2010…remember what you couldn’t do ten years ago??!?!? You couldn’t watch a video on You Tube. You didn’t Facebook or Twitter. You had a camera…..but it was not in your phone. And texting….none of that, we all talked more. Heck, there was no American Idol! And a Croc….you never thought you would wear one on your foot!! :) And that is just scratching the surface. I am sure you can think of plenty of other things too.
Sometimes I am tired by technology. No time to getaway from anyone. By choice, I do not have email on my phone. I like to be disconnected sometimes. However, I will admit that I forgot my cell phone the other night when I went out and I was a bit out of sorts. Not that was expecting an important call, but I keep thinking of people to call or text. Not to mention I had no idea what time it was!! (Like many, I stopped wearing my watch once I could check the time on my phone.) But, you know what I survived. Now that I know I can do without a cell phone for a while, I need to convince my oldest son. Technology aside, one of the biggest changes in my life since 2000 was the birth of my first son. He is ten now. He wants a cell phone. He has never even seen a rotary phone. He has never known a life without the internet, cable or cordless phones. He thinks there has always been a Walgreens on every corner and that McDonalds is a way of life. The same goes for my 7 year old. No more are the days where you share time on a landline house phone with your kids. So while I download the latest app on my cell phone, like many other parents I must decide when to let my son get HIS own phone. I guess I should change the lyrics to a famous song and say, “the times they are a changed.”
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