Went to Memphis in May Beale Street Music Fest Friday night….. Steve and I got on stage after Al Kapone (good show!) and before the B-52’s (my third time to see them…love them!) We managed to avoid the rain when we were there. Whew! You know, it’s always fun once you get down there. For many though, I know it’s the dragging yourself downtown and finding a parking space that is a big deterrent….Oh, yeah and the now traditional threat of rain.
Of course, it’s one big band party and it’s all about the music, but I think they could change the name. (And no, not to Memphis In Mud!) They should change the name because even with everyone donning appropriate “outdoor festival with a threat of rain” attire, this is a see and be seen event. Friday night it was all about the boots! How about we call it the Beale Street BOOT festival…… or maybe the BOOT Street Music Festival. It was obvious that for days, weeks, even months prior to the BSMF, females begin the search for cute rain boots. And I never knew so many styles, colors and patterns of boot even existed!!! Stripes, polka dots, oriental, toile, solid color, checks, animals, and peace signs just to name a few. This year, most did not just stop at a store on the way, there was some serious on line searching for these boots. And no matter if it was with shorts, pants, capri’s or even a skirt, there was some boot flaunting going on. I even had a little boot envy! :)
Again, while I was there, no rain had fallen. You could still see every cute new boot…..but after Friday night….probably not so much. As the Music Fest progressed, all the boots, no matter the pattern, were caked in mud and that’s when it comes down to simple usefulness of a boot. Or does it? Functionality or the “cute of your boot”……which is more important? I guess it all boils down to the person wearing that boot. :)
(Pictured above is the boot I almost got from Piperlime.com! )